Friday, August 15, 2014

There Are People Out There (Poem)

This is the second poem that I wrote about a nine day Aussie Wanderer tour I took of Western Australia earlier this summer. You can read the first poem (with pictures) entitled "There's Another World Out There" by clicking here. In this poem, each stanza was written about a specific incident on the trip.

There Are People Out There

There are people out there
Who want to explore
They’re called backpackers
And are in search of so much more

There are people out there
Who you trust although you just met
And when you don’t think you should
They remind you not to fret

There are people out there
Who will hold your hand
When you’re falling they’ll catch you
And pull you up to safe land.

There are people out there
Who tell you where your feet should go
And you just believe them
Although you can’t see what’s below.

There are people out there
Who walk with no shoes
They won’t complain and then they’ll say
It’s the best thing to do

There are people out there
Who will cook for you and clean your plate
It’s like each night we were on
A massive group date

There are people out there
Who are from all around the globe
And their kindness and camaraderie
Is so easily shown

We are Dutch, Aussies,
Scots and Germans
Italians, French, English,
Swedes and Americans

We aren’t just
Tourists or travelers
We are one together -
Aussie Wanderers.

Written: June 29, 2014

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